Decree honoring Diophantos
Inscription honoring the emperor Zeno
Civic Oath of Chersonesos
Decree honoring Syriskos the historian
Base of statue for Agasikles
Proxeny decree for an ambassador from Mithridates Eupator
Decree honoring ambassadors from Herakleia
Base of statue for Aristonos
Treaty of alliance with the king Pharnakes I
List of those who won sport competitions
Inscription about the tax on prostitution
Fragment of a decree about the fortress of Napites
Inscription about construction of a city gate
Dedication to the goddess Nemesis
Inscription regarding the liberation of Kalos Limen
Decree honoring the emperor Marcus Aurelius
Decree honoring Gaius Julius Satyrus
Proxeny for a citizen of Sinope
Epitaph in verse on stele for Xanthos
Inscription on the stele set up by doctor
Epitaph in verse on stele for Oinanthe
Short epitaphs