Decree honoring Diophantos

Inscription honoring the emperor Zeno

Civic Oath of Chersonesos

Decree honoring Syriskos the historian

Base of statue for Agasikles

Proxeny decree for an ambassador from Mithridates Eupator

Decree honoring ambassadors from Herakleia

Base of statue for Aristonos

Treaty of alliance with the king Pharnakes I

List of those who won sport competitions

Inscription about the tax on prostitution

Fragment of a decree about the fortress of Napites

Inscription about construction of a city gate

Dedication to the goddess Nemesis

Inscription regarding the liberation of Kalos Limen

Decree honoring the emperor Marcus Aurelius

Decree honoring Gaius Julius Satyrus

Proxeny for a citizen of Sinope

Epitaph in verse on stele for Xanthos

Inscription on the stele set up by doctor

Epitaph in verse on stele for Oinanthe

Short epitaphs

Inscription about the building and repairing the city gates in 1059.

Original publication and commentary by Latyshev


"The iron gate of praitorion was constructed and the other (gates) of the city were renovated under Isaac Komnenos, great Roman king and autocrat, and Catherine, the most pious Augusta, by Leo Aliates, patrikios and strategos of Cherson and Sougdaia, in the month April, indiction 12 of the year of 6567".


[Under construction]

Isaac I Komnenos - the Byzantine emperor (reigned in 1057-1059).

Year of 6567 of the Byzantine era (from the Creation) is A.D. 1059.

Praitorion originally referred to general's tent in the Roman military camp, and in permanent camps it signified the commander's palace. In the Byzantine period this term acquired the meaning of the building where residence of the head of administration, strategos, as well as court of law and prison were located.

Patrikios (Latin patricius, English patrician) was a Byzantine rank, which allowed the owner to possess the most important posts in state administration.

Strategos was a governor of administrative unit and also of a city or fortress. In his province, he represented the power of the emperor, solved civil and military problems on behalf of the emperor's name, and was also a judge.

Sougdaia was the name of present city of Sudak in the eastern Crimea.

Translation by © N. Khrapunov.

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